Made in China - Social Credit, Coronavirus, 5G

Made in China - Social Credit, Coronavirus, 5G

Is Coronavirus-19 the catalyst for a UK or even global social credit system? And if so, what would that mean for our productivity, adaptability, freedom and health?

The current crisis exposes how moral and social conditioning, high surveillance, low choice, low power and total disconnection from meeting human need leads us dangerously close to losing our freedoms and capability.

AI and Human Centricity - Resetting Our Power Dynamic

AI and Human Centricity - Resetting Our Power Dynamic

If we all believe a core benefit of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to enable human value add capability, why are so few organisations or governments doing anything to foster it?

Because turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.

You see, what no one is talking about is the fact that human value add is all about the redistribution of power.

A higher purpose brings a higher culture

A higher purpose brings a higher culture

At an individual level, many of us try to make changes within our lives and ourselves to lead a happier more fulfilled life. We’re trying to find purpose. So why aren’t we doing this at an organisational level?

Many organisations are trying to create a culture of innovation, but are not pausing to ask why? If we want to innovate well, we need the right culture – we need vision people, and in a big way.